Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm on CNN.com

CNN has done a wedding album type story featuring 9 same-sex or transgender marriages of US citizens. The article is called "Beyond Prop 8: same-sex couples and their struggles to marry." It really is a nice piece and it is appearing at a time when the federal trial against Prop 8 has just begun. This trial is expected to be the Roe v. Wade or Brown v. Board of Education of our time. Here's to hoping the justices will put aside any personal feelings or religious prejudices they have either way and rule based on the law alone. I have attempted to copy and paste the flash player file of the article here, but the file is too wide for my blog screen, so our picture and story are cut off. Ours is the second row, far right picture. Therefore, to get to the article on CNN.com you can click on the title of this article you will be re-directed there.



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