My friend Kelly Keefe and I have been debating healthcare on my facebook page for a week or two. That has been the nature of our friendship from the beginning, debate. She is a conservative republican from Orange County, California and I am a liberal democrat from Charleston, SC. We met while between acting jobs, both temping at Ross Stores Corporate headquarters in NYC. Our friendship is built upon our differences. It is wonderful! We agree, we disagree, but we always discuss it. Debate fosters unity, as it allows us to better understand each other. It also gives us the freedom and information needed to change our minds on any given subject. I am so glad to have found her. She is a true friend, the kind with whom you can completely disagree, but still have a good time at dinner.
I wish that our country's political figures could debate the way that we do. It would make our country better. It is a very rare issue where one side is 100% right. Very often we need ideas from both sides to make reform and the world better. The more perspectives included the more likely it is things will be done right. So, I call on my congressmen & women to work together. Not only on healthcare, but always. Stop playing politics with our lives and the future of the country. Republicans - present your healthcare ideas, instead of just complaining. Democrats - listen to your opponents and work with them, instead of just doing what you want. This is too important to have it undone by politicians looking for votes in the next election! Do your jobs NOW!
Barack Obama was right we are no longer a red state/blue state country. We are a purple country. This past election proved that the old formulas no longer apply. There are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in every town in America. Being purple does not make us less Democratic or less Republican, it simply allows us to understand each others feelings and motivations. It allows us to truely listen. It is time we respected each other and attempted to find common ground, instead of fighting over a few issues that divide us. However; if we really listned to our opponents, we would learn that we can find common ground on even the controversial issues. For instance, I think we can all agree that lessening the number of abortions performed in this country by educating people on how to prevent unwanted pregnencie in the first place is a good thing, right! Common ground. Many less abortions take place, and without curtailing women's rights. Lets find common ground. I'm a purple person, as is my friend Kelly, won't you be one too?
Yom Tov,