This week we read the portion of Vaetchanan. In it we hear again the reading of the Ten Utterances (commandments). The Hebrew word used actually means utterances or emanations, not commands, but I digress. The word Vaetchanan means "Moses pleaded". The name of the portion itself contains a very important lesson for us this week. Never give up! After being told by G-d himself that he could not go into the promised land, Moses begged G-d to reconsider. Moses was not dissuaded. He continued asking until G-d allowed him to view the land from the highest mountain. Kabbalists use a term called klippot. It means shell or veil and refers to layers of separation between us and G-d. The more negative actions you perform the more klippot envelop you and the more positive actions you perform the more you remove. The bottom line of this lesson is that you never know how many veils are between you and your answer. Keep asking, keep seeking, keep working. With every effort we make we draw that much closer to Hashem, G-d, the Light, the universe or whatever you want to call It. Perseverance is our task this week. Keep up the good work...
"In other words, as long as we're on the path, we are making progress, even though we may not feel the movement. The work keeps on going whether we feel it or not. As long as we stick with it, we get our opportunities to fight and to grow. If we stay strong and commit to the path, we are guaranteed success. No question." - Yehuda Berg
This weeks sees the 9th of Av, the most negative day of the year. It begins Wednesday at sundown and goes until sundown Thursday. The important thing to remember is that with greater negativity comes greater potential for transformation. After all who is closer to G-d's heart; the honest person who does not steal or the thief who returns his loot?
Kol Tuv,
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