the inner altar
The ancient Kabbalistic text, The Zohar, says happiness and abundance flow from the inner altar. In this blog you will find my thoughts and feelings on everything from my work in musical theater, to kabbalah, and civil rights. It is my hope that you will gaze and observe with me so that we can better understand and know not only Wisdom, but each other and the world by connecting to that abundance and happiness.
Kol Tuv (Be Well),
Monday, July 11, 2011
Keep The Desire Burning
"Framework is the nature of the universe. Each planet has its orbit. Every week has seven days. Every year has its seasons. Life falls into its own rhythm. It’s meant to. So it’s easy to fall into a rut. A routine.
There’s nothing wrong with routine, unless we allow it to drain the passion form our lives. Personally, I seek to involve myself in something that speaks to my soul every day. And even if you’re punching in and punching out, day in and day out, you must find moments to invigorate your soul in this very same way.
It’s important to identify what it is that speaks to your soul when it comes to work, relationships, and spiritual practice. Many of us fall into careers or relationships that are less than satisfying because we simply aren’t aware of what speaks to us.
In the midst of our routines—when it is most difficult to ignite the internal fires—we must take time to create some sparks.
But once you identify what you want to do, which is only 1 percent of the issue, you need to look at how you do it, which is the remaining 99 percent.
When kabbalists speak of the energy of passion, they actually refer to it as excitement. They explain that excitement is not something that is a result of just enjoying what you are doing or who you are doing it with. Excitement is something you consciously inject into an action or situation.
When I say excitement, I don’t mean jumping up and down and pumping your fist. I mean embracing whatever you are doing with 100 percent of your attention and dedication, whether it’s going to dinner with the family, initiating a project at work, making spiritual connections, or just going to the gym.
This week, if you notice that you like what you are doing but just aren’t feeling passionate about it, try injecting excitement into it.
And most important, meditate with the Name below and let the Light be your guide."
Kol Tuv,
Eliyahu ben Avraham (Matthew G. Myers)
Monday, June 13, 2011
A Proud Day
There was also a new booth from AARP, supporting seniors from our community. This was nice to see as well. Just last week AARP launched a new sub-website geared towards the GLBT communities gracefully aging baby boomers. It is good to see them addressing the unique legal, financial, and personal issues our community faces as we age. My hope is that by the time Michael and I are old enough to retire there will no longer be unique issues our community faces.
Kol Tuv,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Fairy Tale: The Musical

I got a new show! From April 21st - May 1st I will be performing the role of Squire Everett in John Bronston & Joshua Robinson's new show 'Fairy Tale: The Musical.' Essentially, it is a gay retelling of sleeping beauty. This time Beauty is the young Prince (played by Brandon T. Chinn). He is to marry Princess Deceptia (played by Elyssa Samsel), but cannot stand the sight of her. Beauty would rather spend his time with his squire, Everett (played by me), from whom he has never been apart. They soon discover their love for each other, but know it must remain a secret. Princess Deceptia discovers Beauty and Everett in a compromising position. She hatches a scheme that would allow the wedding to continue as planned, but give the three of them the freedom to be happy. The jilted ex-Queen Jewell Diamond (played by Sahara Davenport of RuPaul's Drag Race) knowing all of this, placed a curse on Prince Beauty that put him into a deep sleep from which he can only be awakened by the kiss of his true love. When the kiss of his new bride fails to rouse him, fairy tale characters from all over Fairyland come to make the attempt. As you might have guessed Squire Everett is Prince Beauty's true love, but to wake him would risk certain death, as being gay is illegal in Fairyland. The music is AMAZING and the story is both hilarious and touching. If you are in NYC come help this wonderful show become a success!
Kol Tuv,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm on
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
On the road again...

Well here we go. The 4th year of the JCS tour just started. It has been a very quick and exhausting rehearsal process over the past two weeks. We had our first two preview performances yesterday and today. They went very well. I am excited for this years tour. We seem to have a great group of performers. I am returning to the tour as Simon and the Judas Cover. I will also be the Assistant Company Manager and Assistant Stage Manager again. New to me this year, is being one of the Jesus Covers. I cannot believe I am covering Ted Neeley. Here's to hoping this year is a great success!
Friday, November 13, 2009
our words
Today, if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
voting your rights away

"You can't put a civil rights issue on the ballot and let the people decide. You have to have elected officials who have courage to make the right decision. If you left it up to the people, we'd have slavery, depending on how you worded it."
Today, as we face more brutal injustice we realize that the greatest blow was not another lost vote on marriage equality. Fantastic efforts and organizing happened for both Maine, Washington, and Kalamazoo, MI, but our bitter loss in Maine
reminds us that win or lose, the fact that it is possible for anyone to vote to take away our civil rights is unjust and a crime against the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.
It's time to demand true justice. No one should be able to vote to withhold freedom.
Organizers across America are taking action right now. We are rising up not only for our brothers and sisters in Maine, but because as equal people we demand the right to live and love equally. How many times will we allow our basic human rights to be trampled? Our government is founded to protect our freedoms, and the misuse of
the democratic process to sanction blatant discrimination is an insult to all who believe in a free and just society."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Great Challenge
I love them and I am loved by my husband and my many friends. Life is very good and I am so blessed. I have the privilege of being married to an amazing man, my soul mate. I also believe that before we are born our soul chooses our family to help us in our Tikkune (correction) process. So, I know that I chose this family for exactly this time in my life. This struggle has a hugh life lesson for me. I have a tendency to allow people to walk all over me, because I do not want to offend them (especially when it comes to my family). I will remain quiet while they say some hurtful thing to me or about me, and will just breath and ignore it. The lesson I have found in this is that this aspect must change within me. There is definitely a lot to be said for speaking with respect and using a language of love. However, I must stop allowing myself to fall into the role of the victim. As Eleanor Roosevelt said " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I no longer consent, from now on when I am hurt I will not hide it. I will let them know they have hurt me and that it is not okay. I will of course always attempt to do this from a place of love.
In this season of Atonement I have cried out to the Creator to give me the strength to change this aspect of myself. After all Kabbalah teaches that we spell Atonement wrong, it is meant to have two spaces in it - At One Ment. This is a season when we can be unified into one human soul through our spiritual work. That unity includes everyone - our friends, our family, and our enemies. We are after all really one, the separation we feel is an illusion. If I am hurt, then you are and if you are hurt, then I am. How can we be enemies with ourselves. Kabbalah teaches us that there is but one enemy, our adversary - Satan (pronounced sah-Tahn). This enemy is within us. It manifests as our ego, our worst desires, and our fears. As the saying goes you are your own worst enemy. We have the power to shut down Satan's work, if we will only be vigilant. Any conflict we find ourselves in, should be seen as an opportunity for change. Our times of greatest tribulation can bring about our greatest triumph and transformation, if we use them and avoid falling into a victim consciousness.
I hope this post has been comprehensible. I feel like I was a little rambling. If I have confused you or made no sense at all I am sorry. LOL. Thank you for reading and gazing with me into our collective soul.
Kol Tuv,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gay Marriage Lowers Divorce Rates in Massachusetts
I always knew that the argument used by the anti-marriage equality activists were really bunk. This proves it. The facts are in and in the state of
Monday, September 7, 2009
a very good, non-partisan read
Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Back to School Event
Arlington, Virginia
September 8, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Love Your Neighbor
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Busy, Busy...
I have also been involved in a reading of a new musical theater piece in NYC over the past week. It was a whirlwind audition, rehearsal, and perfromance process, but it went very well. The piece was called Confessions of a Reality TV Star. It is a spoof on American Idol whose main setting is the finaly episode and it delves into the backstage life of the two finalists. The piece was brillliantly written by Joshua Robinson (Book & Lyrics) and John Bronston (Music). The audience seemed to really like the piece and if all goes according to plan we will be recording an album in a month or two. Heres to hoping!
Kol Tuv,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"In other words, as long as we're on the path, we are making progress, even though we may not feel the movement. The work keeps on going whether we feel it or not. As long as we stick with it, we get our opportunities to fight and to grow. If we stay strong and commit to the path, we are guaranteed success. No question." - Yehuda Berg
This weeks sees the 9th of Av, the most negative day of the year. It begins Wednesday at sundown and goes until sundown Thursday. The important thing to remember is that with greater negativity comes greater potential for transformation. After all who is closer to G-d's heart; the honest person who does not steal or the thief who returns his loot?
Kol Tuv,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Purple People

Monday, July 20, 2009
Image via Wikipedia
This week consider your life so far along with me. Think of the lessons you have learned. See if you are allowing those spiritual lessons to continue to effect your physical actions today. If they have fallen by the wayside, take action to change yourself and the world.
There is no specific Zohar portion connected to this weeks Torah portion, but a good portion to consider this week is the prolouge (back to the beginning).
Kol Tuv,
We need more love!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Matot & Masaei
This week there are two Torah portions Matot & Masaei.
The portion of Matot has several lessons for us to learn.
Special thanks to Miriam Levi for opening my eyes to this wisdom.
Kol Tuv,